GPS Tracking Collars

Satellite or Terrestrial Uplink: Data can be gathered via either overhead satellites or ground based receivers depending on your project requirements.

Precise Location Data: GPS tracking via satellite provides highly accurate and real-time location information for wildlife, allowing researchers to monitor their movements with precision.

Behavioural Insights: Researchers can gain valuable insights into the behaviour and habits of wildlife by tracking their movements over time.

Conservation Efforts: GPS tracking aids in the protection of endangered species by identifying critical habitats, migration patterns, and areas at risk from human activities or environmental changes.

Poaching Prevention: Satellite tracking can deter poachers as authorities can closely monitor the movement of tagged animals, enhancing anti-poaching efforts.

Migration Studies: It enables the study of long-distance migrations, helping scientists understand migration routes and stopover locations critical for preservation.

Disease Surveillance: Tracking wildlife can assist in monitoring the spread of diseases, enabling proactive responses to protect both wildlife and human populations.

Climate Change Research: GPS data can be used to analyse how wildlife responds to climate change, aiding in the development of strategies to mitigate its impacts.

Education and Outreach: Satellite tracking provides engaging educational opportunities and promotes public awareness of wildlife conservation.

Data Sharing: Researchers can share data across borders and collaborate on international conservation efforts, improving global wildlife conservation.

Ethical Research: Non-invasive tracking methods reduce stress and harm to animals, ensuring ethical research practices are upheld.

Species Specific Solutions: Collars and their included sensors and hardware can be custom tuned to accommodate species of varying size and weight and habitat.

Remote Cameras

Non-Invasive Monitoring: Trail cameras allow for non-invasive monitoring of wildlife, minimizing human disturbance and reducing stress on animals.

Data Collection: They capture valuable data on wildlife behaviour, population dynamics, and species presence, providing researchers with a wealth of information.

Remote Observation: Trail cameras can be placed in remote or inaccessible areas, enabling researchers to monitor wildlife in locations that are difficult to reach in person.

24/7 Surveillance: These cameras operate day and night, providing continuous surveillance and capturing nocturnal wildlife activities that are otherwise difficult to observe.

Species Identification: Trail cameras help in identifying rare or elusive species, aiding in the documentation and protection of endangered or vulnerable wildlife.

Conservation Planning: The data collected from trail cameras can inform conservation strategies, such as habitat preservation and management decisions.

Public Engagement: Images and videos captured by trail cameras can engage the public and raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.

Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional field surveys, trail cameras can be a cost-effective means of collecting large amounts of wildlife data over extended periods.

Reduced Human Risk: They reduce the risk to researchers and field personnel who might otherwise need to conduct dangerous or labour-intensive wildlife surveys in the field.

Long-Term Studies: Trail cameras facilitate long-term studies of wildlife populations, allowing for the monitoring of trends and changes over time.

Acoustic Recording

Passive Monitoring: Acoustic recording provides a non-invasive method for monitoring wildlife, allowing researchers to collect data without disturbing animals or their habitats.

Species Identification: Acoustic recordings can identify specific species by their unique vocalizations, making it useful for tracking elusive or nocturnal wildlife.

Biodiversity Assessment: Acoustic recordings help assess biodiversity by capturing the presence of multiple species in an area, aiding in ecosystem health evaluation.

Behavioural Insights: Researchers can gain insights into wildlife behaviour, communication, and activity patterns by analysing acoustic data.

Habitat Assessment: Acoustic recordings can reveal information about the quality of habitats based on the diversity and frequency of vocalizations, assisting in habitat conservation efforts.

Early Warning for Threats: Changes in wildlife vocalizations can indicate environmental changes or threats, such as habitat degradation, climate change, or invasive species.

Cost-Effective: Acoustic recording systems can be deployed for long durations, making them cost-effective for monitoring large areas over extended periods.

Remote Monitoring: Acoustic recorders can be placed in remote or difficult-to-access locations, expanding the scope of wildlife conservation research.

Data Archive: Acoustic recordings create valuable data archives that can be revisited for historical comparisons, facilitating long-term studies.

Public Engagement: Sharing audio recordings of wildlife can engage the public in conservation efforts and raise awareness about the importance of protecting biodiversity.

Wildlife IoT Devices

(Internet of Things)

Real-Time Data: IoT devices provide real-time data on environmental conditions, wildlife behaviour, and habitat health, allowing for timely responses and adaptive conservation strategies.

Remote Monitoring: IoT devices can be deployed in remote and challenging-to-access locations, enabling comprehensive wildlife monitoring across various ecosystems.

Cost-Efficiency: Many IoT devices are cost-effective and require minimal maintenance, making them suitable for long-term and large-scale conservation projects.

Data Accuracy: IoT sensors and devices offer high levels of accuracy and precision in data collection, reducing errors in research and analysis.

Connectivity: IoT devices can be interconnected through networks, facilitating data sharing, collaboration, and the creation of comprehensive databases for research.

Conservation Planning: Data from IoT devices inform evidence-based conservation planning, enabling more effective resource allocation and conservation strategies.

Early Warning Systems: IoT devices can provide early warnings about threats to wildlife, such as poaching, habitat degradation, or climate change impacts.

Reduced Human Impact: IoT devices minimize human presence and disturbance in natural habitats, reducing stress on wildlife and preserving ecosystems.

Adaptive Management: Real-time data from IoT devices allow for adaptive management strategies that can respond to changing environmental conditions and emerging threats.

Public Engagement: IoT-generated data can be shared with the public through educational platforms, fostering awareness and support for wildlife conservation efforts.

Remote Power Solutions

Extended Monitoring Periods: Remote power solutions, such as solar panels or wind turbines, provide a continuous and sustainable power source, allowing wildlife monitoring equipment to operate for extended periods without human intervention.

Reduced Maintenance: These solutions reduce the need for frequent battery replacement or refuelling, minimizing disruption to wildlife and conserving resources.

Cost Savings: By eliminating the need for frequent visits to replace batteries or fuel, remote power solutions can reduce operational costs over the long term.

Uninterrupted Data Collection: Remote power solutions ensure uninterrupted data collection, reducing gaps in monitoring data and improving research accuracy.

Remote Deployment: These solutions enable wildlife monitoring equipment to be placed in remote and off-grid locations, expanding the reach of conservation efforts.

Increased Efficiency: Remote power solutions improve the efficiency of data collection equipment, as researchers can focus on data analysis rather than frequent maintenance tasks.

Long-Term Impact: Sustainable power solutions contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of wildlife conservation projects, ensuring their continued effectiveness.

Available Battery Solutions:
Li-SOCl2 (Lithium Thionyl Chloride)
Extreme Life, Very Low Voltage Drop, Non Rechargeable
LiFeS2 (Lithium Iron Disulfide)
Long Life, Cost Effective, Non Rechargeable
LiFePO4 (Lithium iron phosphate)
Low Cost, Rechargeable
Solar Rechargeable Power Packs - designed to suit any application

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